About Safe Investing

Welcome to Invest Safely!

This site is a collection of my thoughts on the process called "investing", or how we all hope to fund our retirement years.

The content is written by me, but greatly influenced by historical figures, professional investors, hedge fund managers, media personalities, entrepreneurial geniuses, and YOU!.

It was designed for anyone interested in amassing wealth. And that is where I focus my approach; making money.

The origin of the site is actually the trading journal I started in 2000.

    Side note: Beginning to invest during a bear market will teach you many good lessons, and quickly point out bad habits. It also means you're going to lose money, which can be a bit discouraging.
As I continued to study the markets, I realized a few things:

  1. There is no substitute for personal experience.
  2. There is no "right" way to invest, or single method that's always profitable.
  3. We, as individual investors, are just along for the ride.
After some gentle encouragement, Invest-Safely.com became my way to share my interest in investing and helping people to see how to craft their own process. For more of my background, visit my bio page (J.Wenger).


Each Sunday, I post some market commentary for the new week, based on the price and volume action of the major exchanges during the previous week.

Main Site

The main site contains all of the evergreen content related to the process of safe investing. The left hand column breaks out the 5 steps in an attempt to help you walk through the process;

  • Stabilizing your personal finances
  • Planning your trades
  • Trading your money for assets (shares of stock, etc.)
  • Monitoring the value of your assets and cashflows
  • Adjusting your positions and portfolios
Administrative info can be found in the FAQ, About, and the Contact pages. For your reference and my protection, the site also contains Disclaimer information and Terms of Use, Affiliate Disclaimer regarding the sponsored ads placed on the site, as well as the DMCA Policy.

A sitemap for invest-safely.com organizes links to all the different pages on the site, and site updates can be found using the "What's New" link.